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Sustainability Policy

SaaSam takes environmental responsibility and sustainability seriously and we have woven the elements of carbon reduction, ethical purchasing, waste reduction and community support into our business practices and policies. We believe all businesses have an important role to play as we transition to a low-carbon economy, so we are doing our part within our company, our homes and our local community to make a difference.

Operating Practices 

Within SaaSam, we follow (whenever practically possible) a set of sustainable operating practices connected to purchasing decisions and waste management:

  • Buy reputable, high-quality brands that will last. This pertains to office furniture, kitchen appliances, technology, office equipment and stationery.

  • Avoid brands with excessive packaging that cannot be easily recycled – items with polystyrene chips, polystyrene padding and plastic wrap.

  • Recycle all materials that are recyclable – in our kitchen we have separate recycling bins for paper, cardboard, glass, tins and plastic, clearly labelled for staff and guests.

  • Work to reduce waste where a less wasteful alternative exists. For example, we purchase recyclable coffee pods for the Nespresso machine instead of the plastic versions that cannot be recycled. We also use individual hand towels which are washed a couple of times a week, as opposed to paper towels which end up straight in the rubbish.

  • Purchase fair trade and organic alternatives where available, this includes coffee, tea, snacks and cleaning products.

  • Keep a lunchbox library in the kitchen for staff to use as a sustainable option when getting takeaways.

  • Avoid buying single-use plastics, especially in the form of cutlery, cups and plates.

  • Reuse as much as possible – used coffee grounds go home with a staff member to nourish their vegetable garden.

  • Minimise power usage with the heaters and air conditioning being on timers; they turn on just before people arrive in the office and turn off at the end of a normal workday.

  • Purchase energy efficient alternatives, including light bulbs that use less power and need replacing less often. Large appliances such as fridges and printers are rated energy efficient by the Energy Label Rating as well.

  • Turn off electronics at night, where possible.

  • Purchase recycled paper and printer inks in recyclable bottles instead of large plastic cartridges.

  • Minimise printer use and reuse all paper if possible.

Teaching and Working Sustainably

  • With most of SaaSam’s staff based in the Waikato and more specifically, Cambridge, we choose to lease an office near the centre of Cambridge town so that more people have the option to walk, bike or bus to work. There is only a short five-minute walk to town for lunch or errands.

  • For those staff who are based in outer areas and not near a SaaSam office, we encourage and enable remote working to save on petrol, road congestion and time.

  • We use phone and video calls for meetings, reducing the need for people to travel to the office or another location.

  • New SaaSam staff are given a copy of this Sustainability Policy, alongside an explanation of our environmental values and how they can get involved in sustainable practices at work.

  • We educate staff on sustainable options and encourage them to choose options approved by the likes of the Forest Stewardship Council, EnviroMark, BioGro, Energy Rating Label, Environmental Choice, Fairtrade, etc.

Partnerships for Sustainability

  • We choose to purchase our electricity through Nova Energy who are the largest Solar Energy Suppliers in New Zealand.

  • With the help of our partner organisation, Green Mouse Computing, we recycle all broken or expired electronic parts and products through their e-waste recovery and repair scheme.

  • SaaSam refuses to work with (as either customers or suppliers) any business with known unethical practices pertaining to the environment, employees or local communities.

Community Contribution

SaaSam is proud to contribute to local environmental charities in every country we are based in, either as part of our annual giving or as Christmas presents on behalf of clients. In New Zealand we support Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, Trees that Count, and New Zealand Forest and Bird. We also contribute to the World Wildlife Fund in Australia and the UK, and are members of the London Wildlife Trust.

Additionally, we give annual donations to different community good organisations, supporting people going through hardships or helping less advantaged people get a better chance to succeed. In New Zealand we support Cambridge Community House and The Selwyn Foundation; in Australia, The Benevolent Society and The National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy; and in the United Kingdom, Positively UK.

Business Goals

Our sustainability efforts are centred around these overarching goals:

  • Use less and use it in a better way

  • Embrace the circular economy instead of the reckless linear economy

  • Create a safe work environment for staff and contribute to the health and safety of our local communities

  • Adopt a Carbon Reduction Policy and Plan by next review


Heather McEwen, Founder and Director, 1 May 2024

Date of next review: January 2025